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英雄战歌冒险模式第70关怎么过 英雄战歌最新版本

更新时间:2023-06-11 08:00:46    来源:互联网

Heroic Ballad is a popular mobile game that challenges players to complete various levels of adventure mode. The 70th level i


Heroic Ballad is a popular mobile game that challenges players to complete various levels of adventure mode. The 70th level is particularly difficult, but with the right strategy and heroes, it is possible to beat it. This article will provide tips on how to beat the 70th level of Heroic Ballad's adventure mode and get three stars on the 10th level.

Strategy for Heroic Ballad's Adventure Mode Level 70

1. Choose the right heroes: The key to beating level 70 is having the right heroes. You need heroes that can deal with the enemy's high defense and magic resistance. Some of the best heroes to use are those that deal physical damage, such as Kiera or Sebastian.

2. Upgrade your heroes: To make your heroes stronger, you need to upgrade them. Make sure you have upgraded your heroes' skills and equipment to the maximum level. This will give them a better chance of surviving the battle.

3. Use the right formation: The formation you choose is also important. You should have a tank hero in the front to absorb damage and protect your other heroes. Place your damage dealers behind the tank hero and your healer at the back.

4. Use your heroes' skills: Make sure you use your heroes' skills at the right time. For example, use Kiera's ultimate skill when there are multiple enemies on the screen. This will deal a lot of damage and help you clear the level faster.

5. Keep an eye on the enemy's health: Make sure you keep an eye on the enemy's health. If you see that a particular enemy is low on health, focus your attacks on that enemy. This will help you clear the level faster.

6. Be patient: Level 70 is a difficult level, so you need to be patient. Don't rush your attacks and make sure you don't lose any of your heroes too early in the battle. Take your time and focus on surviving the battle.

How to Get Three Stars on Heroic Ballad's Adventure Mode Level 10

1. Use the right heroes: The key to getting three stars on level 10 is using the right heroes. You should have at least one tank hero to absorb damage, one damage dealer to deal with the enemy's high defense, and one healer to keep your heroes alive.

2. Upgrade your heroes: To make your heroes stronger, you need to upgrade their skills and equipment. Make sure you have upgraded your heroes to the maximum level before attempting this level.

3. Use the right formation: The formation you choose is also important. You should have your tank hero in the front, your damage dealer in the middle, and your healer at the back. This will give your heroes the best chance of surviving the battle.

4. Use your heroes' skills: Make sure you use your heroes' skills at the right time. For example, use your healer's skill when your heroes' health is low. This will help keep them alive and give you a better chance of winning the battle.

5. Focus on the boss: The boss is the most important enemy in this level. Make sure you focus your attacks on the boss and take it down as quickly as possible.

6. Be patient: Level 10 is not as difficult as level 70, but you still need to be patient. Don't rush your attacks and make sure you don't lose any of your heroes too early in the battle. Take your time and focus on winning the battle.


Beating level 70 and getting three stars on level 10 of Heroic Ballad's adventure mode requires the right strategy and heroes. Make sure you choose the right heroes, upgrade them, use the right formation, and use your heroes' skills at the right time. Be patient and focus on surviving the battle. With these tips, you should be able to beat these levels and move on to the next challenge.


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